Thursday, September 25, 2008

of birthday celebration, break fast and geylang

Happy 20th Birthday Sarah! Celebration at Yunnan Garden - muffin, birthday song, presents, games, dancing, laughter.. weeeeeee

Break fast at JP after that and off to geylang with sis and the brothers.. I swear that my legs are super lembek mcm jelly after the long day.. anywayz, let the pictures do the talking yar?

Break fast at Seoul Garden with the klasmatez the day before-food, ice-cream, smoke, F1 track, starbuck, suprises.. again, let the pictures do the talking k?

Progress for my essay is like s** i hate it when the ideas kept lingering in my head but i juz cant tranfer it to paper.. and the pages in my book is slowly tearing up.. great!