Saturday, October 3, 2009

salim oh salim

An interesting shoutout from one of my 16 year old exstudent on facebook:
Fhateenie Efron: Boy & Girl can NEVER be friends. They might fall in LOVE one day. 5 hours ago

Well, I have the strong urge to comment on her status but better not coz i was scared of the oh so negative comments if i were to reply like, "merepek siak comment cikgu ni" or "kental sey cikgu" yada yada.. so i rather comment here rather than fb! lol pengecut sey shaheeda

anyways, I have to agree with her to a small tiny minute extent.. the word "never" is an absolute word u see, so yar.. cheh.. mcm paham.. its true that there is a tendency to be attracted to your close friends of the opposite sex if there is something special/unique about her/him that u are comfortable with.. but however, i believe thats all are just a spur of the moment..i believe its not love, its just crush/attracted/like/comfortable.. to fall in love and to be in love is another different level already.. its very difficult to bring that level of friendship/closeness to another level as lovers.. there will be certainly a degree of awkwardness-uneasiness-shyness if that is to happen.. and i imagine myself falling in love with my old & close buddies of mine like firdaus & nizam.. kekek ke hape! haha.. nah.. i rather be frens though.. well, as for me, im easily attracted-like-love-crush-fall for those who are not even my friends.. i bet they dont even know i exist like ehem ehem ahak ahak.. ok.. whats written above are purely my views and opinions dan takde kene mengene dengan yang hidup atau yang mati yar.. but but but i dont mind falling in love with this sec sch teacher of mine, mr salim, the one who inspires me to become what I am today =)

and speaking of him.. was invited to visit his two storey executive mansionette for hari raya.. his house is like an art museum, i was like woww wahh nice when he showed me around his house..but nevertheless my takeaway is his stories and advices of being a teacher.. Its not a piece of cake job, mind you.. at how racism, bitching and favouritism is prevalent. i guess his secret is hard work + ego + strong character..

A few pathetic pictures for ur viewing pleasure