Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Setiap kehidupan di dunia ini pasti akan kembali kepadaNya.
Unexpected call.. Unexpected time.. Unexpected.. Plans for the 1st and 3rd day cancelled..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

around singapore in 3 days

im supposed to get the makeup set ready by today but the cosmoprof stick foundation is out of stock man! grrr.. and the fake eyelash is so darn expensive.. dunno where to source for cheaper ones.. any idea guys? ok.. spent the past few days hopping from one place to another in search of the cheapest available.. thankz a zillion to siti, nadiah and taufik for walking and tolerating my oh so indecisive mind.. heh.. ok.. still a few things to buy and i die die haf to get the things all neatly stack by this week..
Moisturising Cream
Cosmoprof Stick Foundation (Chi, asian skin tone & negro)
Cosmoprof Loose Powder
Liquid Eyeliner
Fake Eyelash (*blink blink*)
Adhesive (Lash glue)
Lip Gloss
Loose Powder Sponge
Foundation sponge
Make up remover
i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up i love make up

Sunday, July 20, 2008

make up up up up...

Okie dokie.. skipped the part where i did not blog.. tons of outings and gatherings and birthday celebration to update, but im such a lazy bum bum..
im actually procrastinating aimlessly(?) now.. no no.. not because of examz or essays but about makeup! im in charge of building the make up set for the upcoming Khilaf, a theater production and the best part is I have to get everything ready by wednesday and i have not even buy anything.. The whole of last week is spent recce-ing and survey-ing the prices.. and make up is not cheap i tell u.. as usual, most production has a budget to adhere to and the foundation alone can cost up to 200 buckz..
ok.. just a reminder to myself of things that I have to purchase. This list can be useful to the galz, i suppose
1) Moisturising Cream
2) Cosmoprof Stick Foundation (Chi, asian skin tone & negro)
3) Cosmoprof Loose Powder
4) Eye Shadow
5) Liquid Eyeliner
6) Pencil Eyeliner
7) Pencil Eye Brow
8) Mascara
9) Fake Eyelash (*blink blink*)
10) Adhesive (Lash glue)
12) Lip Gloss
13) Lip Liner
14) Powder Blush
15) Loose Powder Sponge
16) Lip Brush
17)Foundation sponge
18)Eyeliner Sharpener
19) Eyeshadow brush & sponge tip
20) Blush Brush
21)Make up remover
22) Wet tissue
23) Tissue
24) Cotton Wool
25) Make Up Box
in times of surveying these items, i can memorise this list by heart.. lol

do visit the website (under construction) for more information..

Monday, July 7, 2008

happy happy happy!

Okie dokie! This is a rambling entry about the sch experience and for those who are not teachers wannabe or haf no passion in teaching or whatsoever, pardon me yar..

Sch experince in the primary school is FUN! weeeeeeee... I wanna thank Cikgu Nasrudin for his wonderful coaching.. He taught me how to construct a proper lesson plan, shared tips in classroom management blah blah blah and even gave me a template observation sheet.. Interestingly, this school malay department is has only 1 female teaher and the rest male.. funny ah.. rarely come across a malay department flooded with male teachers..

oh ya.. cikgu wasted like 5 minutes on the first day teaching each level a new song just to greet me.. im touched.. seriously.. so here it goes..

Mari hormat guru

Kita timba ilmu

Sama-sama maju

Hingga ke akhir waktu

Selamat Sejahtera Cikgu Shaheeda!
(sing to the tune of Happy birthday to u, Happy bithday to u...)

Im like blushing and tersipu malu mcm kambing biri-biri when they greeted me with that song.. so dengan muka penuh semangatnya, im trying to be ultra responsive by saying "apa kata kita dedikasikan lagu yang sama kepada cikgu nasrudin?" but i received blank faces and absolute silence from the students which translates to they dun understand the meaning of dedikasikan.. cikgu then intervene by asking the students to sit down and continue with his lesson.. *deng*

So... On the last day, friday, i decided to be oh wanita melayu terakhir by wearing the baju kurung.. So when i entered the hall, instead of saying hello and hi (which prabu usually does), he is like, "Why are u wearing that outfit?! Dont u know that every friday is a workout/exercise day?"
So imagine me clad in baju kurung, doing some stretching exercise, jumping jack with only the hands moving, jog on the spot etc.. and some soul (u know who) even asked me to remind him to wear sarong next friday! lol.. I was perspiring profusely after that (that shows that i haf not been exercising) and while heading towards the saff room after that while wiping my sweat, a student exclaimed "cikgu! nari baju cikgu cantik ah!" Dengan muka tempe and tak tahu malu, i replied, "baju je cantik, cikgu tak cantik ke?"
an interesting conversation with cikgu R after he went for his friday prayers.. He just joined the teaching force last year and hez like sharing his practicum experience and the lecturers etc.. im like SUPER SCARED after hearing his story.. he told me that how the lectures can be super nice in skol but super nasty and strict when it comes to practicum especially ........ imagine getting a D for classroom management and one of his frends actually quit when he failed his practicum..

oh ya.. i received an email from mdm tan.. shez uber sweet lah.. This kind of email really lit up my day and motivates me to teach teach teach and inspire me to be a dedicated educator!
To you it may be just a help-out but to the Management you are someone who is willing to go that extra mile for the pupils. I am sure you will be a good and dedicated teacher in the future. Keep up this good spirit! Hope you are posted to our school next year for the Teaching Assistantship, so that we can have more opportunities to work together and learnt from each other.
back to cikgu class, (ok.. this entry is like messy but im just typing what i can recall) hez like super funny in his lessons and i haf to put on a straight face to prevent myself from laughing.. One whole week of observation made me realize what a boring/strict/no nonsense teacher i used to be.. for example the use of extrinsic motivation and punishment (sound familiar?)

Cikgu Nasrudin's

ok.. enough of skol.. on a happier note, im officially an aunt/makcik/bibik! *jump jump* my sister just huffed and puffed a healthy baby girl.. Congrats sister and brother in law.. Moga2 Allah memberkati kakak sekeluarga.. Dari adikmu tersayang.. *puke*